Tag Archives: motivation


15 May

I had the great opportunity to travel to Virginia Beach with Eric Stanley as he began working on his new single “Walking Cross the Road” coming soon on iTunes.
Watch this inspirational video where he discusses what inspired him to start playing the violin and what being “normal” means to him.

“Trying to be better than someone else is a pure waste of time. Strive to be better than you were yesterday.” ~Eric Stanley

Interview with My Black Channel

27 Dec

Had the amazing opportunity to get interviewed by My Black Channel, whose aim is to Capture the Black experience in a way humble to our roots, preparing for our future, and committed to excellence in the present.

In this interview I  share how to stay focused on your passion, my creative process, the artistic voice, how I’m using the lens to tell my own story of femininity, and much more! Come get motivated!

Location Photography Final Portfolio

9 May

When striving to achieve personal goals, there is a common internal struggle of having to motivate oneself in order to resist failure. We have the power of “pushing ourselves forward, or pulling ourselves back” from whatever we aspire to achieve. I aim to display this idea through athlete portraits within their associated environments, where they play multiple roles within the frame. I chose to portray athletes based on the physical exerted pain and motivational struggle they endure daily in order to become their idea of greatness.


Dream Chaser

1 Jul

With my lens i want to capture the essence of life and make it last a lifetime..

Where blessings compose the perfect frame and the sight of a breath not taken is released when viewed…breath-taking..

I want to compose images where reality is portrayed and beauty is seen by the facts of life no matter the social status of an individual…

I want to depict the struggle that lays a foundation for a happier tomorrow…

I want my lens to capture frames depicting life,love, hate, pain, lies..Pages painting the content through art inspired by history…My dedication to the past masters of this medium…

I want to create a motivation for others…

I want to inspire others to follow their dreams…

~B. Trofort

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