Tag Archives: Manu Pombrol

Manu Pombrol

15 Apr

“Everything started to make sense. I found out (a little bit late) that photography was the perfect tool to show what was in my mind. I was seduced by the insane idea of mixing reality and surrealism, trying to create my own art language.” – Manu Pombrol

So ive been trying to figure out what to do for my final portfolio for my digital class…i wanted to attempt to create something creative but at the same time personal…after a lot of thought i decided to do a series of surrealism self portraits…i decided that i was going to use my poetry as a basis for my the portraits i decided to portray…

One of my inspirations for this series comes from the work of Manu Pombrol who has done an excellent series of surrealist self portraits.

 Manu Pombrol is a 35-year-old artist and photographer from Madrid, Spain. His self-portraits are nothing short of extraordinary. He started by painting portraits and which then led to graphic design as computers started making their way into the mainstream. In an interview with My Modern Met he stated that “I spend a big part of my time trying to visualize images aimed at showing surrealistic concepts. I am very interested in the development of subjects like time, death, human evolution, psychology or collective behavior. Sometimes I deploy an ironic vision of things that usually concern all of us, and that’s a pretty important source of inspiration. I try to make images that are able to make people smile and think at the same time.”

His work takes on such a conceptual surrealist approach and are so creative, and they do cause me to smile and think.